Holly Hoglund- Klien Woman in Transportation Award

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Holly Hoglund Klein “Iowa Woman in Transportation Award" The Holly Klein “Iowa Woman in Transportation Award" is intended to recognize an Iowa woman in transportation that demonstrates outstanding performance in the school transportation industry. Those eligible for nomination include any woman that is a member of the IPTA and is involved in daily activities of a student transportation operation.

Holly Klein “Iowa Woman in Transportation Award" Nomination Application Click Here!

Nominations are due June 10, 2025


Previous Recipients  

2016- Diane Struecker

2017- Kim Bleckwehl

2018 – Tammy Oester

2019-  Betty Golay

2020- Teresa Hartley

2021- Mary Jo Hetrick

2022- Julie Nemmers

2023- Norma Castillo

2024- Terri Anderson